End the Struggle, Finally Lose

the Weight and

Get in Amazing Shape

in just 90 Days with Our Exclusive Program for

Women Over 40...

Tired of struggling to lose weight and frustrated about getting in shape? Looking

for a health and fitness lifestyle transformation, not another diet? Ready to boost

your confidence and feel amazing in your own skin?

Click below to learn how the AMAZING180 program will help you achieve your

healthy, fit body, once and for all.

End the Struggle, Finally Lose

the Weight and

Get in Amazing Shape

With our Exclusive Program for

Women Over 40...

Tired of struggling to lose weight and frustrated about getting in shape? Looking

for a health and fitness lifestyle transformation, not another diet? Ready to boost

your confidence and feel amazing in your own skin?

Click below to learn how the AMAZING180 program will help you achieve your

healthy, fit body, once and for all.

40+ Weight Loss Blueprint

Ready to finally shed those unwanted pounds and achieve the body you've always wanted? Click here to download our '40+ Weight Loss Blueprint' and discover the simple, effective strategies you need to lose weight and keep it off for good.

Losing Weight When You’re 'Over A

Certain Age' Can Be So Frustrating...

Sure you can try dieting and depriving yourself - but without having a proven plan and

strategy, you’ll forever be stuck and struggling.

“I had been working out a lot, but couldn't get rid of the fat on my arms, legs and tummy. Working with Rose, I dropped 15 lbs, decreased the fat that I thought I’d NEVER be able to get rid of, and now 2 years later, I’m so confident that I’ll maintain my new body because I’ve truly changed my habits!

People now call me “skinny” in a good way!”

- KJ, 54 years old

“I gave myself one year to lose the extra weight I had gained, but I lost it all in just 3 months with Rose’s guidance. My clothes fit so much better now, and I look and feel amazing. My health and my quality of life is so much better!!”

- DM, 62 years old

“I was exhausted and burned out, and taking care of everyone else, and putting myself last. With Rose’s guidance, I made myself a priority and have dropped over 35lbs. I’m in better shape now than before I had kids. I love the way I feel and how I fit great in all my favorite clothes again!”

- Carla, 44

Losing Weight When You’re 'Over A

Certain Age' Can Be So Frustrating...

Sure you can try dieting and depriving yourself - but without having a proven plan and

strategy, you’ll forever be stuck and struggling.

“I had been working out a lot, but couldn't get rid of the fat on my arms, legs and tummy. Working

with Rose, I dropped 15 lbs, decreased the fat that I

thought I’d NEVER be able to get rid of, and I’m so confident that I’ll maintain my new body because I’ve truly changed my habits! People no1 Columnw call me “skinny” in a good way!”

- KJ, 54 years old

“I gave myself one year to lose the extra weight I had gained, but I lost it all in just 3 months with Rose’s guidance. My clothes fit so much better now, and I look and feel amazing. My health and my quality of life is so much better!!”

- DM, 62 years old

“I was exhausted and burned out, and taking care of everyone else, and putting myself last. With Rose’s guidance, I made myself a priority and have dropped over 35lbs. I’m in better shape now than before I had kids. I love the way I feel and how I fit great in all my favorite clothes again!”

- Carla, 44

...Instead Stop Struggling!

Sick of struggling to lose weight and get in shape? Our proven process gives results you can

easily maintain and helps you overcome frustration for good. Time to finally get the healthy

body you deserve.

Get Results with Our Proven Process

When You Join Today, You’ll Get:

A healthy, safe and effective weight loss experience:

We’ll give you everything you need to be successful, so you’ll never have to try to figure it out by yourself. You won’t struggle, you’ll simply follow the program, enjoy plenty of flexibility, and reach your goals while enjoying the process.

A fail-proof system with plenty of support:

You’re never alone on this journey. With coaching, VIP support, accountability and expert guidance, we’ll be there to hold your hand every step of the way. You’ll never fall off track or fail with our support.

A healthier and happier way to reach your goals:

Unlike the diet mentality that you may have had in the past, you’ll learn secrets of behavioral psychology that will make losing weight and keeping it off healthy and stress-free.

Our expert guidance and our easy to follow plan:

We’ll give you the fish, so to speak, and we’ll also teach you how to fish with our simple, healthy and delicious meal plans, grocery lists and recipes for all types of eaters. We'll help you save time and enjoy meals that are family friendly, nutritious and delicious.

A mindset makeover that will eliminate self-doubt, worry and self-sabotage:

You’ll learn how to re-train your brain so that reaching your goals is 10x easier. Using proven strategies, you’ll be able to program yourself for stress-free success and maintenance.

A fitness program that really works:

If you’ve worked out without seeing results, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the changes in your body with just 180 minutes per week of our smarter, safer, more effective, and “biggest bang for your metabolic buck” workout program for all levels.

When You Join Today, You’ll Get:

A healthy, safe and effective weight loss experience:

We’ll give you everything you need to be successful, so you’ll never have to try to figure it out by yourself. You won’t struggle, you’ll simply follow the program, enjoy plenty of flexibility, and reach your goals while enjoying the process.

A fail-proof system with plenty of support:

You’re never alone on this journey. With coaching, VIP support, accountability and expert guidance, we’ll be there to hold your hand every step of the way. You’ll never fall off track or fail with our support.

A healthier and happier way to reach your goals:

Unlike the diet mentality that you may have had in the past, you’ll learn secrets of behavioral psychology that will make losing weight and keeping it off healthy and stress-free.

Our expert guidance and our easy to follow plan:

We’ll give you the fish, so to speak, and we’ll also teach you how to fish with our simple, healthy and delicious meal plans, grocery lists and recipes for all types of eaters. We'll help you save time and enjoy meals that are family friendly, nutritious and delicious.

A mindset makeover that will eliminate self-doubt, worry and self-sabotage:

You’ll learn how to re-train your brain so that reaching your goals is 10x easier. Using proven strategies, you’ll be able to program yourself for stress-free success and maintenance.

A fitness program that really works:

If you’ve worked out without seeing results, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the changes in your body with just 180 minutes per week of our smarter, safer, more effective, and “biggest bang for your metabolic buck” workout program for all levels.

What Makes This Transformation

Program Different?

Complete Step-By-Step Program

Sick of feeling like a failure on unrealistic diet programs?
The Amazing180 program is here to help. Our program is designed to educate, guide, and empower you to make choices that support your vision of a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. No more counting points or calories, or risking injury with unsafe exercise routines.

With our program, you'll benefit from:

Habits that support a healthy, sustainable lifestyle

No more feeling like a failure or struggling to reach your goals

Confidence in your ability to maintain your results for good

An end to the diet mentality and a newfound love for healthy living

Say goodbye to the frustration of traditional diet programs and hello to lasting success with Amazing180.

The 4 Keys To Your


Nourishing Nutrition

Lose Weight Without

Deprivation or Dieting.

Enjoy Delicious, Nutritious

Food and Say Goodbye to

Belly Fat Forever.

Feel Good Fitness

Boost Your Metabolism and

Get Fit, Firm, and Toned

Without Boring Cardio or

Crazy Exercises.

Simple Self-Care

Prioritize Your Well-Being

and Avoid Burnout with

Simple Self-Care.

Magic Mindset

Change Your Habits and

Eliminate Negative

Thinking with Mindset


Exclusive Community

You’re never alone on this journey. You’ll always feel supported in our community of like-minded women who are all on the journey to a leaner and healthier lifestyle.

Because our program is based in science, you’ll be able to completely trust the proven process.

And, because we understand the challenges that life presents, you’ll never feel judged or pressured, and you can progress comfortably with our guidance and support.

Amazing Experience

While other programs give you ONE piece of the puzzle (like just diet or just exercise), our comprehensive program gives you everything you need to reach your goals AND maintain them. This keeps you focused on moving forward and you’ll see progress every week.

Imagine how relaxed you'll feel when you know that all your efforts will actually lead to results, instead of staying stuck in a 'on the diet, off the diet’ roller coaster.

Free: 4 Part Formula

Want a proven plan to follow? Click the button to download our FREE 4 Part Formula so you can confidently
lose weight, get in amazing shape and maintain your results- the healthy way- forever!

© 2023 Rose Zahnn's Amazing180. All Rights Reserved.